»Montrose~Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce

Big dreams begin with You!


The unique system at Mind Flow Hypnosis has proven results for losing weight, releasing stress, quitting smoking and taking life to new heights.

Carmela Tunzi CHT also aids in the areas of self-confidence, anger management, pain management, motivation, sports performance, public speaking and most forms of fear.

“Create balance in your life; release the limiting decisions or negative thought patterns that prevent you from moving forward!” This is not only what you will read about Carmela Tunzi’s hypnosis practice, but will also come to find for yourself.

Carmela is rooted in the community. She lives and works locally, but her reach extends well beyond our lovely community.

Three things Carmela wants you to know about hypnosis: “Despite its less-than-serious depiction in cartoons and movies, hypnosis can be an effective tool for therapy.” She wants you to learn more about the way hypnosis affects our conscious minds.

Victoria Marie Malone
Executive Director
Montrose/Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce
2424 Honolulu Avenue, suite B, Montrose, CA 91020
Office: 818-249-7171
FAX: 818-249-8919

1. People aren’t unconscious under hypnosis. In fact, they are in a state of focused hyper-awareness. Subjects’ suggestibility does not emerge from any lack of understanding, but rather from the suppression of inhibitions.

2. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. Although it is true that a hypnotized person will be more susceptible to suggestion, it’s simply not possible to force them to do something that they don’t want to do. Likewise, when battling a deep-set psychological issue such as a phobia or an addiction, hypnosis doesn’t work by reversing the patients’ unwanted thoughts but by gradually strengthening their resolve to silence them.

3. Hypnosis often takes hold gradually. Many hypnotherapists use a method known as progressive relaxation. Introducing peaceful imagery in slow, soothing tones, the professional lulls the patient into a state of relaxation over a longer period of time – as long as a half-hour – and gauges their suggestibility with simple, easy-to-swallow commands such as “relax your arms.”

Carmela is a member of the NGH, CV BNI and a contributing publisher to LA Community News. She also can be heard as a frequent guest on LA Talk Radio and appeared on Best Buys with Alan Mendelson Channel 13. She holds certificates in master hypnosis, NLP, MER, Reiki and Jin Shin Jytusu.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles health-based and spiritual fundraisers, including the local Foothills Healing Arts Fair held bi-yearly at the Center for Spiritual Living, La Crescenta at 4845 Dunsmore Ave. in La Crescenta. She is also involved with the LA cancer community and teaches hypnosis for self-help at Glendale Community College and the cancer support community in Pasadena. Carmela and her business are one of the newest members of the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce. With her enthusiasm and collaboration, our office has put together the first Health & Wellness Business Showcase to be held on Saturday, June 23 at Spiritual Heart Yoga Center at 2509 Honolulu Ave. She brings a refreshing approach to collaboration and engagement that we are very pleased to have at the MVCC.

What you should know about hypnosis: it is about changing your mind in healthy ways for you. Carmela contributes to the healthy mindset of the community. Working with you as you work to better yourself and become the “best version of you.”

You can reach contact and inquire to Carmela Tunzi, CHT (323) 258-6516 or visit http://www.mindflowhypnosis.com/contact.php.