Having Fun with your ‘Busy-ness”
![JULIA CVCOC WEB MUG]()
“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”
Henry David Thoreau
Hopefully you are not too busy to join us at our monthly business mixer Wednesday, March 14 at Bob Smith Toyota at 3333 Foothill Blvd. It is our pre-smart mixer when we will have all the information ready for you to join a team or find a team for our upcoming Smart-a-Thon luncheon.
On Sunday, March 18 we have our 4th Annual Day at the Races co-sponsored by the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Crescenta Valley Sheriff Support Group. This will be at Santa Anita Race Track starting at 11a.m. and includes nine exciting Thoroughbred races, parking, an official race program, barbecue tri-tip lunch from Schreiner’s and soft drinks. Join us for this great event and support two great organizations.
On Wednesday, March 28 is our 2012 Smart-A-Thon luncheon at Verdugo Hills Hospital. Bring a team of four of your smartest friends or come alone and we will put you with the smartest team. This event is the premier fundraiser for the CV Chamber/ Mary Pinola Educational Endowment fund, which grants funds to projects at all our local schools and educational organizations. Call the Chamber and we will sign you up for lunch and participation for only $35. You only have to be smart enough to know you are giving to a good cause!
Saturday, April 21 brings our seventh annual Hometown County Fair, a great day of family fun and entertainment at the Crescenta Valley Park. The fair includes a full day of entertainment provided by dance troupes, singers, bands, martial arts, a dog parade and much more. There will be arts and crafts vendors, a fabulous car show, carnival rides, a silent auction and animals from the Wildlife Waystation will be coming back for the seventh year in a row.
The CV Chamber has much to do. Don’t you wish you had more hours in a day to do them all? Susan Ward at About.com says that if you use these five time management techniques consistently you’ll have more time, accomplish more and feel better: 1) Recognize you can’t do it all. Too many of us are stretched too thin. Decide what roles and activities are most important to you. 2) Prioritize. Review the list of what you have to do at the day’s start and then pick out the things that you ‘must do’ that day. 3) Learn to say “Yes” and “No” and learn to make quick decisions. 4) Unplug. Set aside particular times of day to read or listen and respond to email and phone calls. 5) Take time off. When you take time off, you return to your work refreshed and more productive, able to accomplish so much more in the amount of time available.
You are going to need these techniques to keep up with all the great things the Crescenta Valley Chamber has in store for you! See you soon.
For more information and to view our flyer, please visit www.LaCrescenta.org or call our office.
Important dates: March 14 – Business mixer at Bob Smith Toyota. March 18 –Day at the Races; March 28 – Smart-a-Thon; April 21 – Hometown Country Fair. Please call our office or visit our website for more details on any event. How to reach us: (818) 248-4957 / crescentachamber@aol.com / www.LaCrescenta.org / 3131 Foothill Blvd. Ste D.
Julia Rabago is the executive
director of Crescenta Valley
Chamber of Commerce.