A Great Time to Join the Chamber

Business Directory and Spring Membership Drive
Not a chamber member yet? We would love to have you join our network. This is a great time to become a Chamber member! Our new directory for 2012 is being made now. As a Chamber member you automatically receive a free business listing in our directory. It doesn’t get better than that! For an additional advertising opportunity for your business, we have advertising space available to purchase in the directory. Please contact the Chamber office for more information. The Chamber will distribute our directory to 10,000 residents and businesses in the Montrose-Verdugo City, La Crescenta, N. Verdugo Road down to Glendale Community College (GCC) and above GCC and Emerald Isle areas. The Montrose-Verdugo City of Chamber of Commerce (MVCCC) Business Directory & Resource Guide includes a local calendar of events and Montrose history and general information. It’s a small, portable digest with local business listings and will include free online advertisement and a digital directory on our chamber website which is currently being updated to better reflect the community and become a great resource in the area. The Directory establishes your business in the community to not only those within our area but those in outside the area as well.
What makes this an even better time to become a member or renew your expired membership with the chamber? We are running a special offer until the end of March! For only $99 you can a become member and ensure your business listing in our 2012-2013 directory and a listing in our online digital directory. The Directory has longevity and is a resource that is used by many people in the community. In this day and age people are looking for reputable businesses to use and they are looking for local business when they are in need of something. I have many people that call or stop by the chamber office for our directory. The Directory is a great resource for the community and a great advertising opportunity for your business.
Upcoming Events
Please contact the office if you are interested in becoming a member or have any other questions that we can answer for you!
Free Bully-Proof Seminar on Sunday, March 18 at 2 p.m. at M3 Fight and Fitness, 2662 Honolulu Ave. in Montrose. Help your child learn to walk away from conflict with confidence.
Scenes From Our Teens on Monday, April 2 at 6:30 p.m. is a two-part presentation on underage drinking that will begin with a repertoire of short plays written and performed by our local youth. This will be followed by several high school debate teams that will discuss various underage drinking issues including what is the best prevention solution to help curb underage drinking in our community. Center for Spiritual Living, 4845 Dunsmore Ave. in La Crescenta.
Golf Classic and Scholarship Fundraiser on Thursday May 3 from noon to 4 p.m. at Verdugo Hills Golf Course, 6433 La Tuna Canyon Road in Tujunga.
Verdugo Mountains 10K Trail Run and Hike on Sunday, May 6 starting at Brand Park. Log onto www.runtheverdugos.com for more information.
Artwalk on Thursday, May 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the 2300 and 2400 blocks of Honolulu Avenue.