The Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. (JLP) held the first of three prospective member open houses on Thursday, Aug. 2 at the League’s headquarters. More than 30 women from all over the San Gabriel Valley area attended hoping to learn more about the Junior League family. Many prospective members new to Pasadena came to meet other women from the area and to learn how they could make an impact on their new community. Others were interested in learning how they could apply their volunteerism and leadership skills toward a different type of service organization.
Prospective members learned about the League’s mission – to develop the potential of women, improve communities and promote voluntarism. Robyn Grandy, the 2011 Provisional Committee chairman and Sandy Roberts, the JLP president, provided an overview of the programs the JLP is currently supporting, as well as some highlights of past projects. Prospective members were also invited to take tours of the JLP headquarter property and had an opportunity to mingle with current members.
In addition to a hands-on experience in contributing to community causes, League members receive training in leadership and advocacy skills, management, marketing and communication skills. Any woman interested in joining is invited to attend the remaining open house to learn more about becoming a part of its community.
The next prospective member open house is Saturday, Sept. 8 from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.
The open house will be held at the League’s headquarters at 149 S. Madison Ave. in Pasadena,
RSVP to jlpi@earthlink.net, by calling (626) 796-0244 or from our website www.MyJLP.com.