Photo courtesy of the office of State Senator Anthony Portantino
“Sparkle of Kiwanis” is the theme for the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada 75th anniversary gala fundraiser on Sunday, Aug. 27 at Oakmont Country Club, 3100 Country Club Drive in Glendale from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The master of ceremonies is State Senator Anthony Portantino, who has served as a Kiwanian for over two decades. With attendees decked in cocktail attire, the program will feature a DJ, dinner, dancing, opportunity drawings, a silent auction and a tribute to those who have served over the years. Led by Event Chairs Trish McRae, Alice Perez and Payton Parker, the event will raise funds for vital local youth and community programs.
Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Trish McRae said, “We are super excited to get together to mark this milestone in our Kiwanis history. We invite you to check out what’s the best-kept secret in town and help us celebrate while raising funds to fuel programs that inspire youth leadership and community involvement.”
The event is open to the public with tickets on sale for $125 per person. Visit https://lacanadakiwanis.org and click on the fundraiser tab to view tickets on sale and sponsorship levels to give back to the community. For questions, email kiwaniscluboflacanada@gmail.com or call (818) 568-6411. The deadline for tickets and sponsorship opportunities is Aug. 18.