What We Do                       



The local American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts have been serving the local La Crescenta and La Cañada areas since the 1930s. You might be interested in some of the things that we do to support veterans and the local community.

Veterans and other service members:

  • Assist any local veteran seeking VA benefits and/or military records (DD214) – you don’t need to be a member of either post.
  • Assist local veterans with financial needs.
  • Conduct Memorial Day ceremony at Two Strike Park in La Crescenta.
  • Conduct Veterans Day ceremony at Two Strike Park in La Crescenta.
  • Provide monthly free veterans breakfast for local community on the second Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All veterans and friends welcome.
  • Remember and support local military service members deployed overseas.
  • Sponsor annual Armed Forces Day Tribute Car Show at CV Park.


  • Participate in the Montrose Annual Christmas Parade.
  • Participate in La Cañada Frontier Days Memorial Day Parade.
  • Provide annual recognition of local firemen, police and sheriff’s deputies.
  • Send delegates to California’s American Legion Boys State.
  • Sponsor and support BSA Cub Scout Pack 360.
  • Sponsor and support BSA Troop 288.
  • Sponsor and support Venture Crew 288 (independent part of BSA Troop 288).
  • Support and participate in the annual National Night Out at CV Sheriff’s Station.
  • Support and participate in the local 9/11 Motorcade & Remembrance event.
  • Support the activities of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce.
  • Support the activities of the CVHS Prom Plus group.
  • Support the activities of the CVHS JROTC program.

For further information about the American Legion and VFW posts, please visit our websites: American Legion, VFW

Blake Hyfield is the post service officer for the local VFW and American Legion posts. He can be reached at