Las Candelas Wraps Year of Service

Members of Las Candelas wrapped up their 2018-19 year of service to vulnerable children in the community on Thursday, May 23 with a thank you to outgoing President Nancy Stone, who led the group for two years. During the past two years, the organization has volunteered hundreds of hours at its philanthropies: Hathaway-Sycamores in Altadena, Hillsides in Pasadena, Ascencia in Glendale and Didi Hirsch in Glendale. Las Candelas also awards financial assistance to Ascencia for its art therapy program, the Hillsides Moving On Program for its graduates who are embarking on independent living, and the Glendale YWCA, providing summer camp scholarships for the troubled children in the Y’s domestic violence shelters.

During Stone’s two-year term as president, she pioneered the establishment of an endowment fund and created a website for the group.

Parliamentarian Ellyn Semler introduced and installed the 2019-20 officers and chairmen. Taking the helm as next year’s president will be JC Byer.

A capable leader, Byer chaired the recent biennial benefit, “Memories are Made of This.” Proceeds from the benefit, which was attended by nearly 600 guests, will provide funding for the Las Candelas projects for the next two years.

Byer’s team includes First Vice-President Rosina Maize, Second Vice-Presidents Lynne Naeve and Pauline Beebe, Third Vice-Presidents Karen Swan and Suzonne Slaughter, 4th Vice-Presidents Teresa Nall and Jeri Clark, 5th Vice-President Margaret Cline, 6th Vice Presidents Nancy Stone and Diane Russell, Recording Secretary Monica Sierra, Corresponding Secretary Anna Brewer, Business Treasurer Ellyn Semler, Philanthropy Treasurer Patti Baker and Parliamentarian Debbie Hinckley.

A party honoring outgoing president Nancy Stone and incoming president JC Byer will be held at Oakmont Country Club during the summer. Members will resume their volunteer service to improve the lives of children and youth in vulnerable situations in September. Visit the Las Candelas website at to learn more about the history and mission of this organization which was founded in 1953.

Submitted by Cathy KEEN