Thursday Club Hosts Community Outreach Program

Dr. Paul Gilbert explained the difference between partial and total knee replacement surgery, emphasizing the importance of computer-assisted bone and joint alignment and orthorobotics in appropriate cases, during the outreach program of the Thursday Club.

The La Cañada Thursday Club’s Community Relations Committee (CRC) opened the Clubhouse doors to members of the foothill communities on Sunday, March 17 for the program “Bionic Boomers:  Joint Replacement.” 

Three prominent orthopaedic surgeons from Keck USC Medical gave informative presentations on hip, knee, shoulder and ankle replacement procedures. The guest speakers – Dr. Paul Gilbert, Dr. Stephen Owens and Dr. Eric W. Tan – educated the audience on state-of-the-art techniques available to those in need of various joint replacements. The moderator, club member and KPCC news anchor Susanne Whatley, fielded a session of questions for the doctors. 

On behalf of the Club, CRC co-chair Judy Cooper, with Whatley, presented the surgeons with an honorarium check in their names to the Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation.