The children of Antique, Philippines gather to thank Kiwanis donors (left) Dulce and (back row) Tom Passanisi. Next to Dulce is Monsit Lorena, Carit-an, Antique barrio captain.
Kiwanis Club of La Cañada immediate past president Tom Passanisi and his wife Dulce flew to the Philippines to hand- deliver a check for $500 from the La Cañada Kiwanis Foundation for the purchase of vitamins to combat malnutrition in the Antique area. The club donated a total of $2,000 during 2014 to the medical organization led by Dr. Edgio Elio of the Tabang “Help” Antique medical mission. This medical mission was conducted in Carit-an, Antique, Philippines on Dec. 27.
According to Dr. Elio, who has been conducting the medical mission since 2001, the province of Antique has the regrettable distinction of leading the Philippines in malnutrition. When accepting the check from the club, the physician noted that the ongoing financial help from Kiwanis would contribute dramatically to overcoming the problem that plagues that region.
“Handing that check to Dr. Elio is one of the highlights of my experience as a member of the Kiwanis Club,” Passanisi said. “While it always is a wonderful experience to raise money to benefit children, actually being with the children onsite, delivering the money we raised, and seeing their smiling faces is gratifying for both me and Dulce. Helping others in the many ways we accomplish our objective of service to the local and world community is truly what Kiwanis is all about.”
Submitted by Al RESTIVO